Five Years to Turn Family Farm Into Arundel Forest

High-Quality Development Team Was Key
In 2008, we represented the Miklasz family in the development of the family farm. Under a for-fee development agreement, we assembled and managed a development team that included a civil engineering firm, land-use attorney, traffic consultant, archeologist, geotechnical consultant, and biologists to help create a development plan for the farm. We took raw, unentitled ground and were able to upgrade it to entitled land in order to maximize returns. Once entitled, the Miklasz farm consisted of six separate parcels divided into 252 lots. After five years of public hearings, community meetings, reporting and planning, the farm was subdivided and transformed into the award-winning community now known as Arundel Forest, built by Toll Bros., a leading national homebuilder in the luxury niche.
Severn, Anne Arundel County, Maryland